Received fingersnap07, species03, accessories01, soulspark19, dood06, fingersnap05, dood07, valor08, withdrawn12, osuwari10 from Most Wanted 40. (+10 card ct)
Received familiar12, gewehr12, reality07, daruma11, shoutengai01, blind11, lips06, odyssey13 from Booster Bundle 166. (+8 card ct)
Received dunceney04, stungun12, airiel20, boy16, stallion01, izayoi13, darknight02, zaftig13, xrosheart18, dln-06718, corvus10, key20, ryuseitai07, juniorjr15, ayesir07, rainbowshot13, mrhc19, goldburn07, homeworld17, dimensions16, pliskin09, lolishota07, toadsage16, ugly16, wield15, lessons14, grimreaper19, calamitas07, hatshepsut17, dutiful16, 1 red crayon from Puzzle Chains 235. (+30 card ct)
Received astronaut13, liberation14, curegrace02, immelmann09, raikiri17, aimstalker20, chaperone12, calculation10 from Reading Between the Lines 318. (+8 card ct)
Received oolong02, ironmace03, smd12, california12, makaiju20, starboar07, softspoken07, ldc10 from Booster Bundle 167. (+8 card ct)
Received fromflames07, grudge14, flameworld07, kuruma04, nezumijodo09, gottfreid06, salesteam11, arrester01, memorycard01, kishin09, enjoysummer20, ayanon04, namidai03, namidai05, flameworld01, flameworld05, sig_carousel from Monthly Release 151. (+17 card ct)
Received embarrassed04, embarrassed05, galactic02, embarrassed06, protection10, protection12, protection13, embarrassed09, embarrassed11, protection14, embarrassed12 from Little Spell Academia 237. (+11 card ct)
Received earwig19, protection02, embarrassed01, galactic01, embarrassed02, protection08, puyohell12, protection09 from Little Spell Academia 236. (+8 card ct)
Received half-vampire10, fundoshi18, virtue04, astraea15, makefriends09, armor10, smiles18, prince08 from Reading Between the Lines 317. (+8 card ct)
Received creation18, greece19, grebe10, elpis08, geek11, subservient03, noname18, holictrick14, playgirl19, zelda16, hinadolls19, gin05, conclusions03, feles01, counter03, chronosrose04, taguel10, quindecim16, physics14, lilies09, darkaltar10, grandetoile08, timberowl13, halberd17, headstrong19, ideo-delta08, sandwich17, shortfuse15, ofwrath16, curtsy11, 1 red crayon from Puzzle Chains 234. (+30 card ct)
Received first three copies of sig_carousel. (+3 card ct)
Leveled up to Orange and recieved embarrassed20, maleidols20, kaijumovies18, 1 blue crayon. (+3 card ct)
Received crayons from Colorseum 54-4: Orange 1x, Red 1x, Purple 1x, Green 1x, Blue 2x.
Joined Colors TCG, received embarrassed07, embarrassed08, anko08, accelerator11, elquixote03, onlyfriend14, birthmark07, catbingu04 from starter pack. (+8 card ct)
Received wasu05, schwert11 as starter bonus. (+2 card ct)
Received dotdotdot11, rockhopper10, polar13, arcticwolf10, snowyowl12, evildoer10, olivia15, paper15, bloodyradio10, earwig02, greatwar16 from monthly release and thesea02, oripathy04, meringue05, velthomer02, goths18, puyohell20, holyking13, iseeyou15, darkroad04, loptous04, passing12, seraphic11, bakes19, flughude16, anagenesis06, kaiten09, kyouran13, levitate08, hensheng16, rouye13, alatus19, princeps03, lapisdei05, illdoc18, fiercecorpse16, shuoyue15, zisan11, skye06, kaientai08, cultivation15, ascian12, minions04, resonant09, macanluin12, qliphoth12, karakuri11, psyncer15, authors18, harem13, beginning17, holylance11, arsmagna02, primeval12, christine02, zucchi09, ldc04, caliburn12, x-calibur05, elementary14, prophecies10 from monthly bonus. (+61 card ct)
Received puyohell17, valor20, galactic10, galactic20, embarrassed14, embarrassed16, protection01, protection03, protection04, protection05, protection06, protection07, protection11 from Little Spell Academia 235. (+13 card ct)